Anticipated events so far:
1)Fran Pannella WRAD22 “Jersey Shore Rocks Dementia” 25/3! Town Square at the Jersey Shore, 1930 Route 88, Suite 14, Brick. NJ08724. 7pm till 11. See poster.
2)Jean Saunders Spelthorne Dementia Support UK. September. Jubilee Centre, Manygate Lane, Shepperton, TW17 9EE. 6pm for 7. Tickets £15 by text to 07895 787579. Sadly cancelled due to Covid.
3)Norm Mac Barton Baptist Memory Cafe, Barton Baptist Church, Happaway Road, Barton Torbay TQ2 8EU. 21st May. Entertainment with Martyn Rollings. 1.30 – 3.30pm.
4)Jane Moore Camelford Top Town Memory Cafe Cornwall. 11th May. Entertainment by Mand Bennett
5)Marcia Burr details tba.
6) Pam Morgan Brunell I. Ponte Vedra Florida, USA. details tba.
7) Jennifer Bolton The Angels will Listen new video and album. Event Joe Joe Jims, Birmingham, 12th June raising funds for MP3 players.

9) Dave Evans.Dementia Aware Fest. 5th June. Trillans Rock Bar, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. 3pm For Dementia UK
10)Dave Evans Dementia Aware Fest 5th Nov 3pm. Brook Lane, Kings Heath, Birmingham. For Dementia UK.
11) Anastasia Lynn Western Pennsylvania, USA.
12) Gary Le Blanc 9th Alzheimer’s Music Fest from Dementia Spotlight Foundation 4th Feb 2022 Buckhead Theatre. Atlanta. GA.
13) Gary Le Blanc 9th Alzheimer’s Music Fest from Dementia Spotlight Foundation 2nd April, Skippers Smokehouse, Tampa, Florida.
14) Sarah A Harris: 22nd July. Manor House Care Home, Kingstanding, Birmingham.Online performance by the People’s Orchestra/People’s Show Choir through our interactive table

15) Howard Gordon Deepness Dementia Radio WRAD22 sessions throughout the year.
16) Parkhaven Trust, Liverpool.
17) Orchard Care South West, Bideford, UK
18) Debbie Deb Debz Hannon Reflections CIC will be doing songs from the musicals this year highlighting Grease and the Wizard of Oz.
19) Spring House Care Home, Peter Tavy, Tavistock. UK
20) Newquay Purple Angels Ocxtober 15th Royak British Legion Club Newquay, 7 till late.
21) DAI event 17th18th May.
22) Purple Angel Philippines Gims AdminGroup Details tba.
23) Westbank Residential Home in Ross on Wye: Abba day on Tues 24th May & an Abba film night on Thursday 26th May.
24)Deepness Dementia Radio. Howard Gordon Karen Taylor The Ballard of the Dementia Activist. An lanntair about dementia activism in Scotland , Thursday 17th March at 6.30pm followed by Sophie Bankcroft- one of the song writers and Tom Lyne performing their music.
25) Sands Care Home, Morecambe, UK Hayley Payton
26) Heather Bryson. ‘Rather Regal’ Chair Exercise Extravaganza.
To celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on Friday 27th May.The activities start on 1st May and include arts/crafts, exercise and health/wellbeing tasks.
27) Lorna McTavish Coulson 12th May. Dementia Drums and Drumming online from our drummery in Devon This event will be recorded for time zone issues.We meet at 7:00 PM UK time to connect with some morning Purple Angel groups in what is now known as USA and Canada.
28) Marcia Burr Zoom session so people can learn some easy fundamentals of Tai Chi that helps with fall prevention.
29) Pinewood Nursing Home will be holding a small musical event on 31st March with the wonderful Alice Mayhead. A private event just for residents.
The night starts at 7PM, it’s also FREE entry so don’t worry about paying on the door.